
Question: Did the course content meet or not meet your expectations?

The part that exceeded expectations – I really enjoyed learning from a variety of course instructors who each brought their expertise, experience and perspective – be it diversity, HR, risk management. And listening to different presenters also broke up the day.

Question: Did the course content meet or not meet your expectations?

The Content was exceptional – Sufficient knowledge and comprehensive information was provided – enhanced by a combination of depth and richness to it.

I was blown away with the level of detail provided , depth and breadth covered as well as the expertise of the delivery Teams.

Presenters knew their information like the Bach of the hand.

The SEBCG Team were phenomenal, highly knowledgeable and chipping in at every possible opportunity to add value or offer clarity to settings being illustrated in the learning.

Mind blowing for me – Utter synergy efficacy in the holistic delivery of the programme – in its Entirety. Fact.

Was there any content you were expecting but was missing? If so, please elaborate.
I think the content Delivery was exceptionally generous – presented with ultimate clarity. Crucial for constant access as reference points for the effective application on the job. Thank you!

Question: Why did the course content meet or not meet your expectations?

This course gave me much more confidence moving forward to look for and apply to boards that I am interested in. I will know to ask many more questions than I would have thought about on my own and even in choosing a board better suited to my interests and strengths.

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